This is not framed wall art but the freedom of a Creative Revolution.
Join a creative evolution to reclaim your power and save our world. Each time that I had an I Ching reading for my business I drew the symbol for Revolution. In truth, I am as much an archetypal rebel as artist--for they are two sides of the same coin. “The difference between revolution in art and revolution in politics are enormous. Revolution in art lies not in the will to destroy but in the revelation of what has already been destroyed. Art kills only the dead.” Harold Rosenberg “The Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to the Revolution.” Albert Einstein
"Art is the journey of a Free soul." ALEV ARGUZ
"What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of the personal life and speak from the spirit and the heart . . . as man to the spirit and heart of Mankind." C G JUNG
The soul plays with what it loves. Come play.
This is not art in a frame on a wall that you cannot touch but art that touches you. It is art that you create and creates you: you are the alchemical great work of art. In this art you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be you. It is the perfect imperfection of who you really and naturally are, who you were made to be: YOU. There is no art critique or judgement. No good or bad, right or wrong. This is art about acceptance and love, revelation, and intuition. It is creative play in which you embody the images of your soul. In this art, it matters more what it feels like than looks like. You don't have to "be able to draw" (whatever that means) to heal. The images are a way to dialogue and dream with the soul. On this journey you see a bigger picture in which you are a part of (not apart from) a larger whole. All of you is welcome here. This is about effort, honesty, and fun. It is about soul who is the only one who can touch the spirit and heart of mankind and bring you to life.
"It is not a question of art--or rather it should not be a question of art--but of something more, something other than art: namely the Living effect upon the patient himself." C G JUNG
Looking back through the eye of the soul to remember.
To understand this kind of art, it is helpful to reimagine re-search as looking again or back into the past. This is not modern research with citations and grammar. It is an ancient way of embodied heart-based knowing whose repression in modern times is the cause of psychic (soul) dis-ease. It is an ancient feminine (the soul is archetypally feminine) way of knowing and healing ourselves and our lineage. In this process, we honor the soul in our life and all life--forward and back in time, human and nonhuman. In remembering how to learn through art, we undergo what Jung called a “proper education” and “the best safeguard against psychic illness." This visionary art program is the school of the soul, teaching us how to “cleanse" and embody our psyche. While imagining art and soul in this way may seem strange, it is really our modern way that is unnatural. This is the way soul was accessed through the ages that is ancestral, indigenous, and earth-based.
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of the day."